
Senpy includes experimental support for emotion/sentiment conversion plugins.


Consider the original query:

The requested plugin (emoRand) returns emotions using Ekman’s model (or big6 in EmotionML):

... rest of the document ...
  "@type": "emotionSet",
  "onyx:hasEmotion": {
      "@type": "emotion",
      "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger"
  "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1"

To get these emotions in VAD space (FSRE dimensions in EmotionML), we’d do this:

This call, provided there is a valid conversion plugin from Ekman’s to VAD, would return something like this:

... rest of the document ...
  "@type": "emotionSet",
  "onyx:hasEmotion": {
      "@type": "emotion",
      "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger"
  "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1"
}, {
  "@type": "emotionSet",
  "onyx:hasEmotion": {
      "@type": "emotion",
      "A": 7.22,
      "D": 6.28,
      "V": 8.6
  "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/Ekman2VAD_0.1"


That is called a full response, as it simply adds the converted emotion alongside. It is also possible to get the original emotion nested within the new converted emotion, using the conversion=nested parameter:

... rest of the document ...
  "@type": "emotionSet",
  "onyx:hasEmotion": {
      "@type": "emotion",
      "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger"
  "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1"
  "onyx:wasDerivedFrom": {
      "@type": "emotionSet",
      "onyx:hasEmotion": {
          "@type": "emotion",
          "A": 7.22,
          "D": 6.28,
          "V": 8.6
      "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/Ekman2VAD_0.1"


Lastly, conversion=filtered would only return the converted emotions.

Developing a conversion plugin

Conversion plugins are discovered by the server just like any other plugin. The difference is the slightly different API, and the need to specify the source and target of the conversion. For instance, an emotion conversion plugin needs the following:

  - onyx:conversionFrom: emoml:big6
    onyx:conversionTo: emoml:fsre-dimensions
  - onyx:conversionFrom: emoml:fsre-dimensions
    onyx:conversionTo: emoml:big6
class MyConversion(EmotionConversionPlugin):

    def convert(self, emotionSet, fromModel, toModel, params):